Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

October 13, 2009

Good time had by all.

It wasn't bad as long weekends go.  It sure wasn't typicial by any stretch.  No turkey yet.  Rebel was in a snit that I wasn't make a turkey.;  XSU didn't bother either.  Something he usually does.

I took RJ and Frenchy to Toronto for the long weekend.  XSU told me he'd reimburse me "his share" of my expenses.  What ev - don't know what that means, but I have the receipts and have itemized them so he will get the bills. 

RJ as usual wanted nothing more than to hit the malls.  That's the extent of her idea of going on a trip anywhere.  I was luckily able to divert her attention some what to go see some friends sing at one of their regular gigs - even if for only the last 4 or 5 songs or so.  Nonetheless the girls enjoyed the walk there and back.  I had hoped to engage said friends in conversation but they were lucky enough to have a journalist interested in their songs and experiences so we left and hiked back to the hotel stopping enroute for a bite to eat in a little restaurant the girls picked out. 

We saw the new Andrew Lloyd Weber play The Lost Boys in the Photograph - a wonderfully entertaining yet thoughtful look at The Troubles in Ireland through the eyes of a bunch of boys on a soccer "football" team.   It was originally called The Beautiful Game.  A great story.   Before going to the theatre I took the girls to the top of the CN Tower.  We did the VIP version - no waiting in line to go up the elevator no waiting to come down either.  We enjoyed lunch in the revolving restaurant.  yes it cost a pretty penny - but it was well worth it for the view and surprisingly the food was good too.  No waiting either.  I hate waiting especially when I have things to do.Add in some Abercrombie and Fitch time as well as Hollister and Pottery Barn for me and it was a good day. 

The hotel was pretty cramped -   Smallest room I've seen for a while.  I used my points from Air Canada so I don't feel too ripped off.  At least the girls made use of the gym at the hotel.  Frenchy would have gone in the pool with the 4 story slide but RJ didn't bother bringing her bathing suit.  I think she regretted that.  And I refused to buy her another one.  

I managed to put my car over a curb.  The noise was awful.  And I had to make just as much noise to get off the curb.  Not a pretty sight.   RJ had taken a picture.  When we arrived at the hotel I was pretty stressed  - the girl at Reception felt bad for me - either because of my problematic driving skills or kid mocking me because of said driving skills she gave me the cot for the room at no charge.  I valet parked the park and didn't look at it again til it was time to leave.

I only got lost once.  I do not like driving in Toronto.  I like flying or taking the train to Toronto.

I now have these girls for a full two weeks.  XSU has to  have more gum surgery and  doesn't want to have them around while he is in pain and off work.  No doubt I will be dragging by the time they spend a weekend with him. 


Rudy said...

hmmm malls and forgot to pack....

yeah, not buying it.

The play sounds wonderful.

Anonymous said...

Other than the car situation it sounds like a lovely time. Having two unruly teens for two weeks straight, not so much.

And M, doll. What is your meez doing over there on the sidebar???

Happy Thanksgiving!
love and hugs,
~ b