The Telethon raised over 5.6 million dollars! It always amazes me the way people manage to come through for this hospital. Rebel chatted with two guys - one on his second heart and another who's one year in. They talked drugs, issues, and had a great time. They are both older than her, but she and they had a grand time.
On Monday Rebel's picture was in the paper along with an article about the telethon. They always go for the pretty young ones over the middle aged man for the photo op don't they? Unless the middle aged guy delivers a cheque for over 500K!
Rebel's BF has finally moved out. It didn't go well. She's rather stressed about it all. But she does realize he lies, cheats, and generally sneaks around. He has issues. The latest of which is that his license is suspended. I never did figure out for what. So... they are taking a break maybe. At least he's not around. He doesn't pay his phone bill so it won't be easy for him to talk to her either. One day at a time. She's already making plans without him.
Looks like I might be able to help Rebel get a job. I am on a board of directors at one of gymnastics centres - a high performance gym. ( long story on how I got wrangled into this one!) They always need coaches for the little kids and Rebel is really good with kids. Her diving experience make her a shoe in to be able to teach kinder gym, tumble jumpers and all these cutie pie things, so she is up for that. She's also looking to coach diving again. And she's almost ready herself to hit the boards and see what she can do. I say go for it!
Rebel Junior asked me for a perogy recipe for her French mom. I don't use a recipe and figured it would take forever to write one up. I found a really cute how to recipe on you tube! 10 minute little production and she will be a perogy queen... maybe. What kills me about this is that RJ never helped me while I made perogies ever. I guess she might be able to direct this little operation but I told her maybe we could make them together using Skype. The six hour time change could be a challenge but this could be fun! I hope we do try that. It could be a first.
I had an appointment for the dentist today and the receptionist called me up and said "XSU is going to be here at the same time as your appointment. Are you sure you want to be here?" I half thought about going in. We'd be in separate rooms and all that but I didn't want to hear his voice or any of his opinions. The man can talk through anything even with a mouth full of dental instruments. Just being at the dentist's is pain enough so I changed my appointment. The teeth cleaning can wait another week.
Separated from the Spousal Unit - AKA XSU - with two daughters, it seems to make sense to move on from ennuie to some new phase. Restructuring seems to be the way to go to with life. Starting anew. Here's how I am doing it.
Moving on .
I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.
doing the happy dance for you & Rebel.
Despite what you think, RJ has filed away some of her mother's reinforcements of life and talents, she is reaching out to communicate.
awesome fund raiser! that is most excellent!
perogies over skype... yeah I guess that is another use for it ;-)
good call on the appt change. blondie suggested that when I found crap that belonged to the ex I should box it up and drop it off on her doorstep. yeah, no. Don't want to waste the boxes, don't want to see her or anyone she knows and heaven forbid I have to tolerate her asking how things are going. "They are quite nice without you around" might be taken the wrong way LOL
Congrats on a job well done with the Telethon. Miss Rebel looks so cute in the photo. love and hugs to you both!
You may need to teach me to make Perogies over the Skype also, too. Cuz Rudy loves him some perogies.
WooT on the breakup. I hope it is for good. Crossing my fingers on that one.
Sounds like an excellent job for her. I hope that works out also for her.
Very nice that the receptionist phoned you. I am working on a post about not wanting to be in the same place with your X for my own blog. Stay tuned.
Happy Tuesday!
love and hugs,
~ b
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