I am not a Lost fan. Never watched a single episode so could care less. I guess I will watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight or find a movie.
Same with Grey's Anatomy. I've never watched a single episode. There sure was a lot of OMGs on Facebook this week after that was all done and said.
But I did enjoy the Castle season finale. That tells you more about my tv habits.
The count down has started again for Rebel's BF leaving town. I really should have gone to church today - It is Pentecost after all, and lighted more than a few candles, said a large number of ernest prayers to help this process along. I will keep praying.
Rebel , I don't think, will be keeping him company on the road now as she does start her new job this week. She's going to be coaching gymnastics at the gym where I am on the board of directors. All I did was ask if she'd be qualified and the coaches jumped on it. I`ve never used influence before.
I don't have a barbecue and I don't want to buy one for a baxillion dollars either. I just need a nice little appliance to cook a steak or two. Assuming I can figure out how to cook a steak.
I bought a couch and love seat for the basement rec room. It came un assembled. This will be fun. The lads who delivered told me that they were not paid to assemble. I guess this is what happens when you buy from those low budget save a fortune kind of places. Apparently they are not paid to take the old couch up the stairs and out to my garage either. I couldn't persuade these delivery lads with an extra $20 each to take my couch up either. What has happened to good old fashioned under the table help?
It's hot. The air isn't turned on yet. Need to kick in the new furnace and see how it will work.
I am leaving town in a week and heading to Edmonton. My car will be parked at the airport. And Rebel Junior had better be parked at her father`s. I`ve suggested to XSU that he keep a close watch on RJ and if she claims to be sleeping over at a friend`s to do one of two or both things: 1. talk to a parent on a land line or say hello in person and, 2. stalk my house and ring the door bell to ensure that Rebel hasn`t been co-opted into participating in a party weekend for her sister. What are the odds he actually pays attention to my opinion this time
Separated from the Spousal Unit - AKA XSU - with two daughters, it seems to make sense to move on from ennuie to some new phase. Restructuring seems to be the way to go to with life. Starting anew. Here's how I am doing it.
Moving on .
I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.
1 comment:
This season is the first LOST season I did not watch. I did, however, watch the last episode last night. I felt the need for closure.
Grey's Anatomy is one of my favs. This season's finale made me anxious and yet when the credits were rolling I didn't get the sense of WTF? The cliffhanger they left was overshadowed by the tension of the episode. Odd.
My favorite never miss show is Big Bang Theory. 22 minutes of hilarity. That is what my week needs.
I can't wait for the BF to GTFO! I am happy to hear that Miss Rebel has a job and will not be able to accompany him on his little journey.
The marrieds had a difficult time finding just a basic no frills gas bbq. Crazy. They finally did find what they wanted and yesterday grilled us bbq'd turkey burgers for lunch. yummy!
aw. If my boys were nearby they would schlepp the old out and build up the new ones for ya, girlfriend. We live too far apart.
WTF is up with your air? Did you get someone out to check it out? This can't be good.
Based on past performance I am guessing that XSU will not be keeping an eye on the young one. I can only hope and pray that I am wrong on this one.
Happy Monday!
love and hugs,
~ b
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