Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

January 07, 2010

13 on Thursday

Christmas is over and New Year has begun because...
1. It's Epiphany   12th Night
2. Decorations come down
3. Lights not turned on across the neighbourhood

4. Christmas cookies eaten
5. The spirit seems to be dissipating
6. Work is gearing up again
7. Dried out trees line the front yards  waiting for the tree recyclers

8. Cards taken down and either recycled or added to the paper crafts box.

9. March break vacations being booked
10.Boxing week sales have ended
11.Cruise wear showing up in the stores
12. Easter chocolate bunnies have turned up at the Dollarama!

13.Santa Claus sighted on a beach in Florida wearing red velvet bermudas and very short trim beard carrying an ab- ductor


Lily on the Road said...

I'll be turning off my outdoor lights today as well, but I'll wait for a warmer day to take them down.

Rudy said...

and exercise programs started to deal with the coolies LOL

I have my vacation booked :-)

the santa in your picture needs to take a bit more off the beard

Anonymous said...

I started to take down Christmas today. I didn't finish. There is still time. Or if I don't make it then I don't have to put it back up in December, next. heh!

Happy Thursday 13!
love and hugs,
~ b