Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

February 02, 2010

Does she have all her teeth?

I have been attempting a self portrait of my smile and it's not going well.  It was going to start as a wordless wednesday feature and carry over to 13 on Thursday.  It's not going well.  I've given up the self portrait because every image is blurry. 

The thing is - I have a false tooth in my mouth.  Right at the very front of my mouth.  Ruins my smile.  It needs to go. Because, if I ask the question so probably, do most men,"Does he have all his teeth?"  And for me, as questions go, it's an important one.  One's own teeth speak to good dental hygiene and general overall good health. Missing teeth  - speak to me.  Not in a good  way.

Um... no... she doesn't have all her own teeth.  Indeed she's missing two.  One fairly obviously and the second... at the back - not so obviously.  This is NOT me by the way but it sure is my problem!

The story of the poor tooth is that it has gone from root canal to post and crown to infection and rotted to gone.  Replaced by a temporary "flipper"  and I am now moving on to the third "temporary" flipper.   While I was married I  didn't get it replaced with an implant and the benefit of two dental plans because I realized that XSU was not really interested in looking after me while I was down and out and instinctively, I knew he wouldn't be there for me.  Then life got in the way and it went down the priority list. 

But now, as I am being encouraged by friends, hired hand coop students, and others to explore Lava Life, I am pretty convinced any man, like any reasonable woman, would ask  "Does she have all her teeth?" 
The deal with the implant is it requires a bone graft so the implant will have something to hang on.  The bone graft while covered by provincial health insurance plan, requires going under the knife and being out for at least two hours.  Then it's a five days of a black and blue face  and 3-9 months before I can actually get the implant implanted.  

Not sure it's worth that for good sex  companionship.  There's gotta be some guy out there who thinks a half toothless middle aged babe might just do the trick.


Lily on the Road said...

well teeth are nice, but if they (the guys) are superficial they'll want false teeth and false boobies...

get your tooth fixed, you've been talking about it for years, just do it, you'll feel better.

Don't go on Lavalife, is is that how you spell it?

Rudy said...

I have heard that one of the first things they do in prison is break out your front teeth. ouch!

Some people can have all their teeth and still not take care of them so I don't think that should be a hard and fast rule.