Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

May 09, 2010

Sunday Snippets

Rebel Junior is back. She had a wonderful time away. Of COURSE she did. But she wasn't back 24 hours and my kitchen looked like a hurricane had struck. She's on a crepe kick. We've had crepes every day since she got back. Now if I could just get her to clean up after herself.

Rebel hasn't made plans for her dog while she drives west with her BF. She knows I am not going to look after the dog. Not sure what her plan is or if she even has one.

It was RJs birthday on Friday. We went out for dinner. At one point I said something about Rebel dating other guys. I told her how I wanted to set her up with the painter who did my house. He has the same name as XSU - Brent. Rebel said she nearly dated a guy in high school named Brent but couldn't do it. "It doesn't feel right to go out with someone who's name is the same as my dad's" XSU piped up and said "too bad my name isn't James." Her current BF is James. Rebel was not impressed. I nearly spewed my beer. I have to admit. It was a good line. The BF was not invited to our little family party.

Apparently XSU is planning on spending the entire summer at his parents place out east. I suggested that Rebel move in to house sit at his house. He ignored that one.

He's finally agreed that RJ needs a job. I can only hope she gets one. I've told both girls I am cutting back on stuff for them. (but not for me) I see an iphone in my future. In time for my birthday.

I am almost at the point where I think it would be better for me if both girls went to live with XSU. I could use the peace and he could use their disruption and lack of respect for a while. I would like to come home to a quiet house and no surprises for a change. I am sure he's cringing at the thought of either one or both girls living with him. For the amount I'd have to pay him a month, it would be so worth it.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Marie. I hope you have had a lovely day.

iPhone is the way to go! Treat yourself. You work hard for your money, yanno.

Good to hear that you had a nice birthday celebration for the young one. And LMAO at XSU. THAT is freakin funny!

love and hugs,
~ b

Rudy said...

bwahahaha "My name isn't James" that was funny. Call me surprised if he lets her house sit for him while he is gone. I am going to guess he doesn't trust them that much.

You have to wonder if RJ left the kitchen a mess at the guest house.

Hope you had a wonderful mother's day

Lily on the Road said...

RJ vs Kitchen, Bet she did NOT, she does it because she knows what buttons to push and what she can get away with....

XSU, going home, ahhhhh how sweet, Bwahhaaaaa

How's the new job? We must catch up sometime soon.