Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

July 05, 2010

Fuzziness and yellow tans's hot out there over 100 with the humidex and UV at 10! And it's going to be there all week. And it would be the first year I'm not at camp. The last couple of years I swear we were wearing parkas at night it was so cold and this year.... hot hot hot. ah well.

So I am working on my white legs. If I could liposuction and change anything about me besides the never ending acne or the two missing teeth it would be my legs. I have fat knees. And whiteness.

Did I mention I am also covered in little red dots and moles? ( gads you'd think I was the witch from Hansel and Gretel or something!) so as I douse myself in SPF 80 sun screen my little Rebel Junior is practically slathering herself in butter and frying outside. She compares herself and her sister to me and the grandmoms - I got your figure and Rebel has dad's upper body and grandma's skinny legs. I have bigger boobs than you - it's true she does - and everyone says Rebel looks like you... I have your crooked big toe.

So I told them both to take a good look and they'll see themselves in 30 or 40 years. They shudder, laugh hysterically and then go back to texting on their cell phones.

Back to the white legs. So all to say I don't sit outside and tan any more but I am forever looking for the goopy tan in a bottle. Why is it that the first time every season I put the stuff on, I end up with these patchy yellowy jaundiced looking hands rather than nice golden legs? Tonight as I sat on the phone yakking with a friend from camp days - our "director" - I looked in mortification wondering if the rest of the world noticed my yellowness. Is yellowness better than white legs that scream "she never leaves the house to do anything out of doors!"? ummm yes... it is.
I just have to find the right goopy tan in a bottle. Clearly I am not there yet. I do know that the cheaper the bottle the goopier and more yellow things are. That is not a good thing.

Somehow I just got roped into paying for Rebel Junior's plane trip to Nova Scotia. one way. She'll be coming back with XSU. Now why isn't he paying for this? I think I traded something but the Neo Citran and scotch must be fuzzing things out. More on this one another time. AS long as she is out of the city when I get away for the weekend.


Anonymous said...

"Somehow I just got roped into paying for Rebel Junior's plane trip"

Are you serious? Does the girl not work? Can she not pay the 300$, maybe if she did she'd grow up a little.

As for the tan in a bottle, forget it, slap on some Ombrelle and go for a walk, that will be better than liposuction.



MarieA said...

RJ - the younger one L- she can't travel with XSU because she is in summer school and she does want to spend time with her grandparents and at the lake with her cousin who is there also from Victoria. I don't have a problem with that.

XSU is paying the bulk of Rebel's tuition for college this week so I am getting off easy actually.
So not such a bad deal.

go for walk? Are you kidding me? It's a bazmillion degrees in the shade and the humidity - oy.....

even the dog turned around and came home yesterday instead of going for his usual romp to the park! LOL


Rudy said...

geez, we didn't get to 70 this weekend and have had so much rain lately that the camp "fire" in the pit was actually more smoke. Did get it to go eventually.

needed the step son there cuz he is a pyro and has way more energy than me LOL

I think that the ex did the bottle tan thing but dang that was so long ago and I don't think about her anymore so I really have no advice to give on that. I am blessed with good pigment and start to tan under a bright lightbulb

Anonymous said...

No tan for me. I don't like the sun. Or perhaps it doesn't like me. Either way I just accept that I am white. LOL!

Good to hear that you got off easy and that the XSU paid the college tuition. Sounds like a bargain to me.

love and hugs,
~ b

p.s. crossing my fingers that she has a party at his house while he is gone and leaves it just as trashed as she leaves your house, and then some. heh!