A friend at work asked me to go the Ukrainian New Year gala at one of the local church halls. She's not been to a good Ukrainian dance party since moving here and thought a bunch of us girls should go and have a good time. Another really good friend of mine goes every year and has been after me to come out. Of course, XSU being the non social person he is unless it involves copious amounts of alcohol and his guitar ( playing the same four songs ad nauseum) would never want to go. And for some reason, he didn't like my friend's husband. I could never figure that one out. For far too long I played the loyal wife and chose to stick with him.
No more my friends!
So I borrowed, without knowledge,Rebel Junior's new shoes that she has already purchased for Prom and off I went. I had a great time. Ate far too much food, danced the night away when the young girls passed on their leftovers to me,or did the girls in a circle thing and between the Ukrainian dances, the Black Eyed Peas and the Beatles, I did okay.
One of the girls won a bottle of Ukrainian honey pepper flavoured vodka At midnight she opened the bottle and we girls plus our hardy two Ukrainian gentlemen dance partners had a shot each to usher in the New Year. Pepper vodka is very.... peppery even with that bit of honey in it.
I didn't get home til nearly 2 AM, and slept til nearly noon. Even the dog didn't wake me up to go out. RJ had the XSU drive her to work and pick her up, so I am feeling quite content in my little house today.
Life is good. Now I just need to continue to re jig my biorhythms clock and see if this getting up before the birds will work over the next few months.
Well good for you to go and kick up your (borrowed) heels...and sweet heels they are ... Donna Summers would be so envious of those shoes...Gotta love the CFMP!!!!
Those are some cute shoes. I would kill myself in them but go YOU! Plus I love that you borrowed them from the child before she even wore them. That makes it oh so delicious!
Sounds like a very nice time was had by all. Always a good thing.
Love and hugs,
~ b
p.s. don't faint but I actually have a new post up over on my bloggy.
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