Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

January 24, 2010

Sunday Snippets

I received an email from one of the people - men people - I was meeting with in the US.  He's from the UK. Sent me a work email with his personal email asking me to reply.  I did so.  It was an nice little ego boosting email.  Not going to get too excited  - the guy lives across the freakin pond. But it was a nice thing to receive.    English men though... too short, too skinny, not very good teeth ( I should talk  - there's a story) and there's just something about them.... not really what I like.   Previous experience - sailors in port, Halifax, it's another story.  

Kind of like men with red hair.  Dated one once.  Turned me off red hair forever.  But now in my current middle age the red is kind of faded into grey or some other non descript colour, so maybe if I find one or meet one it won't be as distracting to me.  However the basic complexion is still there.  Again, something I just don't really like.  It's an anti attractor.  Not that I've actually met anyone but I'm saying that if that someone had red hair, he would not be at the top of the list. I  could stay home and watch Chuck reruns instead.

Rebel Junior is starting "the big shop" before she leaves for France.  "Gotta have.." new coat, new shoes, more jeans, and on and on and on.  she's going to France!  Mecca for clothes!  I sent XSU an email telling him that I personally would not be spending a fortune on pre trip necessities. I expect he'll cave.  We have to provide her with spending money while she is away too.  I checked with other parents and our family in France to get an idea.  We have a range now to work with.  RJ is not sure she is happy.  I told XSU I won't be going over the limit - if he wants to - that's his choice. 

Rebel's dog has been barfing in the house.  I told her she should take him to the vet.  She says she doesn't have any money.  i looked her BF in the eye and said - "you got her the dog, it's your responsiblity to look after him."  He walked out of the house without responding.   Guess who will end up with the vet bill?

 Dinner with the girls set me back $80 in Little Italy this Friday evening. Lovely dinner and free valet parking.  How nice was it to get into a warm car after shoving my face full of carpaccio, canneloni and tiramisu. Never mind the wine and the free sambuca shot delivered by the waiter-cousin of one of the girls.   There really is NOTHING like hearty Italian on a winter's evening. 

Need to get prepared for this week's class.  Man teaching ain't easy.  I don't get paid for prep time but if I am not prepped my class is going to be seriously under educated. So I am coming up with some kind of activities to fill time to reinforce the content I am trying to deliver.  So far I am told they are enjoying the class and learning a few things.  That's why they're paying me the really pathetic bucks.  But the money isn't why I decided to try this out.


Rudy said...

not sure what my brother did when my nephew went to Germany. I do know that he had fun.

BF needs to man up. sheesh.

sailors eh?! I need to hear that story LOL

Anonymous said...

I think we all need to hear the sailor story. Do tell.

The boyfriend will never man up. He is 30{?} years old and hasn't yet. Isn't gonna happen. Miss Rebel needs to wise up. That would be the better choice.

I agree on the pre-trip-shopping. We all know she is going to want to shop there.

How many days till you have peace and quiet? You might need a countdown timer on your blog. :-)

love and hugs,
~ blondie

Lily on the Road said...

Sailor's...okay, you razzz me about my life...*heheheeh*

Don't judge a book by its cover ms. librarian....after all it is only an email, and yes, he is across the pond. But don't trash the guy "just saying".

Phone the humane society,they can't afford a dog, and it should be in a home where some one can.

Shopping in Ottawa vs. France, okay now I'm really crying while laughing....but its the devil you know I suppose.
