Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

June 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


Rudy said...


Beer me!!

MarieA said...

I'll keep this one in mind Rudy! It's quite tasty!

Lily on the Road said...

Good Lord, where did you find this?

word ver...sante!

MarieA said...

LCBO. I don't go to the beer stores. They have a great selection of micro breweries. This one though, I had a scrap and spa in Morrisburg.

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! I wonder if I can find that around here.

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

p.s. the new look is fabulous!

love and hugs,
~ b

MarieA said...

chances are you won't be able to find this brew your way as it is from a local micro brewery Blondie girl.
I could mail it but we know how that works... and I think it is illegal to put booze in the mail

Blogger had some new templates up so I thought I'd give this a try Not sure I love it... but will see.

Anonymous said...

Love the new template, it is soooooo YOU!!


Rudy said...

it is probably more hoppy than I care for but there is flying monkeys on the label so it can't be all bad heh