Moving on .

I've been blogging for a few years now. Sometimes sporadically sometimes daily, but almost regularly. I have finally separated from XSU and starting to live a new life on my own. The original blog helped me get through the painful process of the end of the marriage, along with some bumpy roads dealing with a critically ill child in the midst of the end of marriage mess. Now this blog will see me through the new paths and adventures that life has to offer. Restructuring my life. My way. My experiences, ventings, musings on that whole big and not so big deal.

July 01, 2010

13 on Thursday

13 reasons I love my country
(click on the different colour since I can't seem to make the hyperlink show up!)

1 open prairie skies
2 the concept of multiculturalism - even if it doesn't always work in practice being Ukrainian Canadian is who I am and learning who others are helps be open minded I would hope.
3 bilingualism - even if it doesn't always work in practice - it doesn't hurt to speak more than one language and appreciate and understand the history of our beginnings
4 poutine - from the chip truck or in a gourmet restaurant
5 the CBC in all it's formats
6 how others perceive us - people the world over usually smile when you tell them you're Canadian
7 sea to sea to sea - the variety, the beauty, the differences - see 1, 2, and 3
8 speaking my mind
9 a justice system that usually works
10 seasons - usually 4 but in many places called winter and construction season
11 police and security forces who are not corrupt and don't strike fear into the hearts of its citizens... occasional lapses of judgmental perhaps but not usually feared.
12 freedom to elect idiots to lead our variety of governments be they local provincial or federal. It's my choice.
13 a pretty decent beer can be found in most places.


Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day, Marie!

love and hugs,
~ b

p.s. the hyperlinks are annoying in blogger. I can teach you to make the line underneath show up if you would like.

Rudy said...

I spent Canada Day in Alaska and Independence Day in Canada once :-)

Hope you had a great day

Anonymous said...

Nice you got to "mix things up" Rudy!

Great list M, hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!